The Timeless Beauty of Turin city center

object(stdClass)#20751 (34) {
  object(stdClass)#20758 (2) {
    object(stdClass)#20498 (3) {
      string(1800) "

L'itinerario che racconta delle bellezze del centro di Torino è stato il nostro primo percorso, da qui tutto è iniziato, migliorato e cresciuto. I vostri suggerimenti e il vostro supporto ci hanno permesso di proseguire nel nostro viaggio. Quindi, grazie! Da NOI per VOI.

Camminerete insieme ad Ardena, la vostra voce guida, alla scoperta delle eleganti vie e piazze del centro storico di Torino, per regalarvi una panoramica sui tesori dell’affascinante capoluogo piemontese. L'itinerario inizierà in Piazza Castello dove vi immergerete nella storia della città. Proseguirete in Via Roma, in Piazza San Carlo, salotto cittadino ricco di tipicità e caffè storici, per dirigervi verso l'isolato dei Principi Savoia Carignano tra Piazza Carignano e Piazza Carlo Alberto. L'ultima tappa vi porterà ad esplorare la Via Po per terminare sotto la Mole Antonelliana, simbolo per eccellenza della città di Torino.

" ["short_description"]=> string(186) "

Questo itinerario vi condurrà alla scoperta delle eleganti vie e piazze del centro storico di Torino, offrendovi una panoramica sui tesori dell’affascinante capoluogo Torinese.

" ["title"]=> string(44) "La bellezza senza tempo del centro di Torino" } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20749 (3) { ["description"]=> string(2357) "

The itinerary that tells the beauties of Turin's city center was our first audio. This is where it all began, improved, and grew. Your suggestions and support have allowed us to continue our journey. So, thank you! We are really grateful.

This itinerary will lead you to discover the elegant streets and squares of the historic center of Turin. It will offer you an overview of the treasures of the fascinating piedmontese capital. You will start from Piazza Castello to immerse yourselves in the city's past. You will continue in Via Roma and Piazza San Carlo, the most elegant square where you can find the iconic historic cafes. Then, you will proceed towards the block of the Princes Savoia Carignano, which includes Piazza Carignano and Piazza Carlo Alberto. The last stop of the journey will make you walk under the arcades along Via Po to end under the Mole Antonelliana, the symbol par excellence of Turin.

" ["short_description"]=> string(227) "

This itinerary will lead you to discover the elegant streets and squares of the historic center of Turin. It will offer you an overview of the treasures of this fascinating city.

" ["title"]=> string(40) "The Timeless Beauty of Turin city center" } } ["image_urls"]=> array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20748 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWswTldJMVptUXdaQzFsTldJeExUUXdPV010T0RBNU5TMHdZakE0WlRkaE5HWmxZMlVHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--df1b2228eace099ddd9a544d723cca4f7b673fe3" ["url"]=> string(291) "" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20747 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWszTW1VMU16WXlPUzAyTXpVeUxUUmhZV0V0WVRCbU5pMDVNVEpsWlRBelpHTTBaalVHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--fcc5ae92ec5a19018f74bb60fbc65f0f4456908e" ["url"]=> string(293) "" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#20746 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWxtTWpJek1ERmtPUzFsTVdaaUxUUXdNbVV0T1dZMk9TMWtNemMxTTJGak5HVmlNR1lHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--70d3077f22eea40fab185f736eed4eaaeb56f487" ["url"]=> string(297) "" } } ["main_image_url"]=> object(stdClass)#20745 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWswTldJMVptUXdaQzFsTldJeExUUXdPV010T0RBNU5TMHdZakE0WlRkaE5HWmxZMlVHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--df1b2228eace099ddd9a544d723cca4f7b673fe3" ["url"]=> string(291) "" } ["map_image_url"]=> object(stdClass)#20744 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWxtWmpRek9XUmlPQzFpTW1VNExUUmhaakF0WWpJM01DMDJaVGszWlRCa01USTNZbUVHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--64674307cccddca6c46dc87a01f46270746784d4" ["url"]=> string(284) "" } ["rating"]=> float(8.56) ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20739 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20742 (3) { ["description"]=> object(stdClass)#20743 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "7047573d-a0c2-4f3d-a8c2-6fc03d9f5343" ["text"]=> string(1800) "

L'itinerario che racconta delle bellezze del centro di Torino è stato il nostro primo percorso, da qui tutto è iniziato, migliorato e cresciuto. I vostri suggerimenti e il vostro supporto ci hanno permesso di proseguire nel nostro viaggio. Quindi, grazie! Da NOI per VOI.

Camminerete insieme ad Ardena, la vostra voce guida, alla scoperta delle eleganti vie e piazze del centro storico di Torino, per regalarvi una panoramica sui tesori dell’affascinante capoluogo piemontese. L'itinerario inizierà in Piazza Castello dove vi immergerete nella storia della città. Proseguirete in Via Roma, in Piazza San Carlo, salotto cittadino ricco di tipicità e caffè storici, per dirigervi verso l'isolato dei Principi Savoia Carignano tra Piazza Carignano e Piazza Carlo Alberto. L'ultima tappa vi porterà ad esplorare la Via Po per terminare sotto la Mole Antonelliana, simbolo per eccellenza della città di Torino.

" } ["short_description"]=> object(stdClass)#20741 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "0eae02d6-2827-486f-807b-94a1266d10a2" ["text"]=> string(186) "

Questo itinerario vi condurrà alla scoperta delle eleganti vie e piazze del centro storico di Torino, offrendovi una panoramica sui tesori dell’affascinante capoluogo Torinese.

" } ["title"]=> object(stdClass)#20740 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "c2ec5b02-6e5f-4f79-a94d-feeea77b4e92" ["text"]=> string(44) "La bellezza senza tempo del centro di Torino" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20737 (3) { ["description"]=> object(stdClass)#20738 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "b3941341-b3d6-4b8f-90b6-9c2adcabf8ac" ["text"]=> string(2357) "

The itinerary that tells the beauties of Turin's city center was our first audio. This is where it all began, improved, and grew. Your suggestions and support have allowed us to continue our journey. So, thank you! We are really grateful.

This itinerary will lead you to discover the elegant streets and squares of the historic center of Turin. It will offer you an overview of the treasures of the fascinating piedmontese capital. You will start from Piazza Castello to immerse yourselves in the city's past. You will continue in Via Roma and Piazza San Carlo, the most elegant square where you can find the iconic historic cafes. Then, you will proceed towards the block of the Princes Savoia Carignano, which includes Piazza Carignano and Piazza Carlo Alberto. The last stop of the journey will make you walk under the arcades along Via Po to end under the Mole Antonelliana, the symbol par excellence of Turin.

" } ["short_description"]=> object(stdClass)#20736 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "073726d2-1276-4ea4-95f8-3667bf8e0850" ["text"]=> string(227) "

This itinerary will lead you to discover the elegant streets and squares of the historic center of Turin. It will offer you an overview of the treasures of this fascinating city.

" } ["title"]=> object(stdClass)#20735 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "2ad6d449-d422-4920-a10c-ae7fb057704c" ["text"]=> string(40) "The Timeless Beauty of Turin city center" } } } ["audio_files"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20734 (5) { ["url"]=> string(308) "" ["id"]=> string(36) "11c6fc97-6b25-46b4-ace4-f01b5e4ddfeb" ["created_at"]=> int(1709030202) ["updated_at"]=> int(1709030202) ["language"]=> object(stdClass)#20733 (3) { ["id"]=> string(36) "d0d558a4-c2de-4e9f-b49e-c90d00dfc11f" ["code"]=> string(2) "it" ["language"]=> string(8) "Italiano" } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20732 (5) { ["url"]=> string(300) "" ["id"]=> string(36) "ab812748-c359-4962-b2c3-9a421dd28bb0" ["created_at"]=> int(1715152844) ["updated_at"]=> int(1715152844) ["language"]=> object(stdClass)#20731 (3) { ["id"]=> string(36) "c243181f-102a-401c-ac5d-42a502a2115d" ["code"]=> string(2) "en" ["language"]=> string(7) "English" } } } ["audio_preview_files"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20730 (5) { ["url"]=> string(315) "" ["id"]=> string(36) "06ba6cc4-44ea-43a1-b3c6-8d8ef0d5afd4" ["created_at"]=> int(1709030202) ["updated_at"]=> int(1709030202) ["language"]=> object(stdClass)#20729 (3) { ["id"]=> string(36) "d0d558a4-c2de-4e9f-b49e-c90d00dfc11f" ["code"]=> string(2) "it" ["language"]=> string(8) "Italiano" } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20728 (5) { ["url"]=> string(301) "" ["id"]=> string(36) "850a54f6-99a1-493e-a395-96a8a391b535" ["created_at"]=> int(1708941742) ["updated_at"]=> int(1708941742) ["language"]=> object(stdClass)#20727 (3) { ["id"]=> string(36) "c243181f-102a-401c-ac5d-42a502a2115d" ["code"]=> string(2) "en" ["language"]=> string(7) "English" } } } ["audio_guides_local_stories"]=> array(0) { } ["last_reviews"]=> array(5) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20726 (9) { ["id"]=> string(36) "126c519a-d147-46ad-9ac6-68d408b3b581" ["created_at"]=> int(1712670139) ["updated_at"]=> int(1712670139) ["approved"]=> bool(true) ["rating"]=> int(7) ["text"]=> string(83) "Bellissimo itinerario e anche gratuito. È ricco di tante informazioni interessanti" ["unapproved_text"]=> NULL ["date"]=> string(10) "09/04/2024" ["user"]=> object(stdClass)#20725 (20) { ["full_name"]=> string(17) "Filippo T. Menini" ["id"]=> string(36) "a5aa1ab5-2ebc-4011-85b5-f3e6ce16f4e3" ["created_at"]=> int(1712582356) ["updated_at"]=> int(1712582356) ["birthdate"]=> string(10) "1991-12-12" ["country_code"]=> string(2) "in" ["email"]=> string(23) "" ["enabled"]=> bool(true) ["fav_regions"]=> NULL ["first_name"]=> string(10) "Filippo T." ["gender"]=> string(1) "m" ["last_name"]=> string(6) "Menini" ["marketing_flag"]=> bool(false) ["phone_number"]=> NULL ["privacy_flag"]=> bool(true) ["region"]=> NULL ["role"]=> string(4) "user" ["terms_and_conditions_flag"]=> bool(true) ["trip_typology"]=> NULL ["wp_id"]=> int(114) } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20724 (9) { ["id"]=> string(36) "1d818329-b240-44c0-9e59-3af405691015" ["created_at"]=> int(1711633339) ["updated_at"]=> int(1712670139) ["approved"]=> bool(true) ["rating"]=> int(8) ["text"]=> string(18) "Highly recommended" ["unapproved_text"]=> NULL ["date"]=> string(10) "28/03/2024" ["user"]=> object(stdClass)#20723 (20) { ["full_name"]=> string(14) "Emily Thompson" ["id"]=> string(36) "84230301-3fad-41c1-9642-dfac6dc5593f" ["created_at"]=> int(1708962315) ["updated_at"]=> int(1712657778) ["birthdate"]=> string(10) "1991-12-12" ["country_code"]=> string(2) "it" ["email"]=> string(22) "" ["enabled"]=> bool(true) ["fav_regions"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "lombardia" [1]=> string(6) "veneto" [2]=> string(21) "friuli_venezia_giulia" } ["first_name"]=> string(5) "Emily" ["gender"]=> string(7) "maschio" ["last_name"]=> string(8) "Thompson" ["marketing_flag"]=> bool(false) ["phone_number"]=> string(9) "235234235" ["privacy_flag"]=> bool(true) ["region"]=> string(8) "piemonte" ["role"]=> string(4) "user" ["terms_and_conditions_flag"]=> bool(true) ["trip_typology"]=> string(6) "coppia" ["wp_id"]=> int(66) } } [2]=> object(stdClass)#20722 (9) { ["id"]=> string(36) "7de156c3-236d-4feb-808e-38422af18b6d" ["created_at"]=> int(1710942139) ["updated_at"]=> int(1712670139) ["approved"]=> bool(true) ["rating"]=> int(8) ["text"]=> string(69) "Se cercate suggerimenti, storie e aneddoti è il tour che fa per voi." ["unapproved_text"]=> NULL ["date"]=> string(10) "20/03/2024" ["user"]=> object(stdClass)#20721 (20) { ["full_name"]=> string(14) "Sergio Favalli" ["id"]=> string(36) "4a19a624-283e-49c0-a74e-ff97f73907c1" ["created_at"]=> int(1712581114) ["updated_at"]=> int(1712581114) ["birthdate"]=> string(10) "1991-12-12" ["country_code"]=> string(2) "it" ["email"]=> string(23) "" ["enabled"]=> bool(true) ["fav_regions"]=> NULL ["first_name"]=> string(6) "Sergio" ["gender"]=> string(1) "m" ["last_name"]=> string(7) "Favalli" ["marketing_flag"]=> bool(false) ["phone_number"]=> NULL ["privacy_flag"]=> bool(true) ["region"]=> string(8) "piemonte" ["role"]=> string(4) "user" ["terms_and_conditions_flag"]=> bool(true) ["trip_typology"]=> NULL ["wp_id"]=> int(110) } } [3]=> object(stdClass)#20720 (9) { ["id"]=> string(36) "098843f5-862a-44e0-8a11-fbaae2e2596f" ["created_at"]=> int(1710250939) ["updated_at"]=> int(1712670139) ["approved"]=> bool(true) ["rating"]=> int(9) ["text"]=> string(111) "We hope to have the chance to listen to other itineraries of the city. This one in the center was just perfect." 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Comodo ed interessante." 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"eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWt6TkdNM1pUUm1aQzA1TlRGbExUUXdaall0T1dSaE1TMDVNV000Wm1ZNFptRmlNV1FHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--d39fed6ca999a31120b1a139e8e78754a6f8f28c" ["url"]=> string(284) "" } ["price"]=> int(450) ["discounted_price"]=> NULL ["id"]=> string(36) "8b0d3ef9-cb33-44f0-97fc-da7e52b3ad07" ["created_at"]=> int(1725539237) ["updated_at"]=> int(1725539237) ["linked_type"]=> string(10) "AudioGuide" ["linked_id"]=> string(36) "e3d6b11e-15d0-466f-8012-bfe555e2502d" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#20436 (10) { ["it_title"]=> string(60) "Bra e le Terre del Roero: crocevia gastronomico e culturale " ["en_title"]=> string(63) "Bra and the Roero region: a gastronomic and cultural crossroads" ["main_image_url"]=> object(stdClass)#20443 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWt4TUdVd09HRTFOUzB3WkdGbUxUUTNZalV0WVRjMU9TMDBNbVV4TldWalpqWmxOR1VHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--8973bd535e44010a142d3e59b4fb8effb0126149" ["url"]=> string(281) "" } ["price"]=> int(450) ["discounted_price"]=> NULL ["id"]=> string(36) "860bc8d9-ac52-4ce2-928d-fb72ed9a6408" ["created_at"]=> int(1725539237) ["updated_at"]=> int(1725539237) ["linked_type"]=> string(10) "AudioGuide" ["linked_id"]=> string(36) "26a91285-0e38-4ee1-aa25-082a48115e37" } } ["id"]=> string(36) "b868b6b0-543b-4017-a345-fdd8716730ca" ["created_at"]=> int(1705487247) ["updated_at"]=> int(1725461529) ["category_ids"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(36) "2df568dd-e004-437d-9c41-5068a70f25e6" [1]=> string(36) "796877f9-f70d-4385-8c16-c79adfc28304" [2]=> string(36) "87e8be09-fdde-46cb-b550-abde5b4f15a4" [3]=> string(36) "94d12bfc-c783-4ce3-9983-259eb3f21e54" } ["discounted_price"]=> NULL ["duration"]=> int(50) ["duration_en"]=> int(47) ["location"]=> string(6) "Torino" ["km"]=> string(7) "2.5 km " ["km_en"]=> string(6) "2.5 km" ["map_url"]=> string(87) "" ["price"]=> int(0) ["spotify_playlist_iframe"]=> string(0) "" ["status"]=> string(6) "online" ["stops"]=> array(9) { [0]=> string(75) "{"text":"Piazza Castello","text_en":"Piazza Castello","time":0,"time_en":0}" [1]=> string(65) "{"text":"Via Roma","text_en":"Via Roma","time":900,"time_en":897}" [2]=> string(90) "{"text":"Galleria San Federico","text_en":"San Federico Gallery","time":960,"time_en":952}" [3]=> string(81) "{"text":"Piazza San Carlo","text_en":"Piazza San Carlo","time":990,"time_en":980}" [4]=> string(83) "{"text":"Piazza Carignano","text_en":"Piazza Carignano","time":1590,"time_en":1565}" [5]=> string(91) "{"text":"Piazza Carlo Alberto","text_en":"Piazza Carlo Alberto","time":1970,"time_en":1908}" [6]=> string(86) "{"text":"Galleria Subalpina","text_en":"Subalpina Gallery","time":2048,"time_en":2015}" [7]=> string(63) "{"text":"Via Po","text_en":"Via Po","time":2248,"time_en":2169}" [8]=> string(85) "{"text":"Mole Antonelliana","text_en":"Mole Antonelliana","time":2540,"time_en":2423}" } ["tag_ids"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(36) "81dda8c8-9e4d-47d3-b617-41e10183e5ba" [1]=> string(36) "c4c9f25d-6a6c-425e-96e9-3631e8d2b3f0" [2]=> string(36) "d23da6f7-e19f-45a4-a929-85385ce6b340" [3]=> string(36) "d7f9edab-e9d8-483f-96dd-93a4348ecc21" [4]=> string(36) "ea0725c1-04b1-4a3e-870c-94e0687cc7b3" } ["validity_weeks"]=> int(3) ["woocommerce_en_id"]=> int(1624) ["woocommerce_it_id"]=> int(1621) ["categories"]=> array(4) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20633 (6) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20632 (2) { ["it"]=> string(8) "Piemonte" ["en"]=> string(8) "Piemonte" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20636 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20635 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20634 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "3cc58c10-8607-48d5-8783-aecf6dc00913" ["text"]=> string(8) "Piemonte" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20638 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20637 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "7175cf2a-f0c8-4942-964f-21834268c331" ["text"]=> string(8) "Piemonte" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "2df568dd-e004-437d-9c41-5068a70f25e6" ["created_at"]=> int(1698831436) ["updated_at"]=> int(1698831436) ["group"]=> string(7) "regione" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20640 (6) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20639 (2) { ["it"]=> string(7) "A piedi" ["en"]=> string(7) "On foot" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20643 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20642 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20641 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "ee880e1f-0278-4640-a9c9-941a8171df6b" ["text"]=> string(7) "A piedi" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20645 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20644 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "e8d397e0-29dd-4a32-a424-0f76ad97e885" ["text"]=> string(7) "On foot" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "796877f9-f70d-4385-8c16-c79adfc28304" ["created_at"]=> int(1706882535) ["updated_at"]=> int(1706882535) ["group"]=> string(12) "tipo_viaggio" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#20647 (6) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20646 (2) { ["it"]=> string(17) "Patrimonio UNESCO" ["en"]=> string(16) "UNESCO Heritage " } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20650 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20649 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20648 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "b5c0a971-44ac-488f-a630-fd1a20c39ef0" ["text"]=> string(17) "Patrimonio UNESCO" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20652 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20651 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "227676bc-c35d-4971-8746-e714435c70ae" ["text"]=> string(16) "UNESCO Heritage " } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "87e8be09-fdde-46cb-b550-abde5b4f15a4" ["created_at"]=> int(1710350164) ["updated_at"]=> int(1710350164) ["group"]=> string(13) "occasione_uso" } [3]=> object(stdClass)#20654 (6) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20653 (2) { ["it"]=> string(9) "Capoluogo" ["en"]=> string(7) "Capital" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20657 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20656 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20655 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "799db5b4-94b1-42f0-8522-11326985450c" ["text"]=> string(9) "Capoluogo" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20659 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20658 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "abfc2720-970f-423f-a615-87938df74f07" ["text"]=> string(7) "Capital" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "94d12bfc-c783-4ce3-9983-259eb3f21e54" ["created_at"]=> int(1698831652) ["updated_at"]=> int(1698831652) ["group"]=> string(13) "occasione_uso" } } ["guide"]=> object(stdClass)#20660 (10) { ["full_name"]=> string(16) "Ardena Caramello" ["image_url"]=> object(stdClass)#20661 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWszTldNME9EZ3lOaTAwTWpBMUxUUXpaVGd0WWpRMFpTMWlNV05tWWpaaFpERXpZMklHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--9e3cf27ddb90e0f3a6252725bebb6c872f047900" ["url"]=> string(287) "" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20665 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20663 (2) { ["description"]=> object(stdClass)#20662 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "cdc1bb88-b949-4642-9a06-db681f7911d3" ["text"]=> string(817) "

Sono Ardena, il mio nome era quello di una principessa d’epoca medievale ma, nel tempo, ho perso tutti i titoli. Il mio destino però è quello di narrar di castelli e meraviglie. Non sono io ad aver scelto il mio lavoro, è lui che ha scelto me tramite vie tortuose. Sono da sempre uno spirito libero e interessato all’arte, alla storia e a tutti i suoi personaggi, curiosa per natura e per professione, non ricordo d’aver fatto altro che non fosse accompagnare le persone a scoprire insieme a me le bellezze che il Piemonte sa regalare. Sono una guida turistica da 12 anni e, ad ora, sono titolare di una agenzia di servizi turistici.

" } ["short_description"]=> object(stdClass)#20664 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "30e84c9d-3bdc-42b1-8f99-f0d8b2d4e28b" ["text"]=> string(321) "

Sono Ardena, il mio nome era quello di una principessa d’epoca medievale ma, nel tempo, ho perso tutti i titoli. Il mio destino però è quello di narrar di castelli e meraviglie. Non sono io ad aver scelto il mio lavoro, è lui che ha scelto me tramite vie tortuose.

" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20667 (2) { ["description"]=> object(stdClass)#20666 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "608dd0bb-9688-4aec-b915-6c8b52c781fc" ["text"]=> string(845) "

I am Ardena, I have the name of a medieval princess, but over time, I have lost all my titles. My destiny, however, is to tell of castles and wonders. 

I have always been a free spirit, deeply interested in art, history, and all its characters. I cannot remember doing anything but guiding people to discover with me the beauties that Piedmont has to offer. I have been a tour guide for 12 years, and now, I am the owner of a tourist services agency.

I created and recorded the itineraries for VOI in italian. In the English version you will listen to my content but dubbed from other voices.

" } ["short_description"]=> object(stdClass)#20668 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "6ab782fe-8dd4-43aa-ba4d-014be983836a" ["text"]=> string(233) "

I am Ardena, I have the name of a medieval princess, but over time, I have lost all my titles. My destiny, however, is to tell of castles and wonders.

" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "53c6e3df-0d62-4dea-8fbd-5c64c53ee4d2" ["created_at"]=> int(1698061560) ["updated_at"]=> int(1719394064) ["first_name"]=> string(6) "Ardena" ["known_languages"]=> string(1) "2" ["last_name"]=> string(9) "Caramello" ["years"]=> int(14) } ["languages"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20669 (3) { ["id"]=> string(36) "c243181f-102a-401c-ac5d-42a502a2115d" ["code"]=> string(2) "en" ["language"]=> string(7) "English" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20670 (3) { ["id"]=> string(36) "d0d558a4-c2de-4e9f-b49e-c90d00dfc11f" ["code"]=> string(2) "it" ["language"]=> string(8) "Italiano" } } ["tags"]=> array(5) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20672 (5) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20671 (2) { ["it"]=> string(8) "Piemonte" ["en"]=> string(8) "Piedmont" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20675 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20674 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20673 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "75bf931b-067e-41db-9d09-4ed6982cd4d4" ["text"]=> string(8) "Piemonte" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20677 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20676 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "a4f6067c-613d-4709-b494-3353994616cb" ["text"]=> string(8) "Piedmont" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "81dda8c8-9e4d-47d3-b617-41e10183e5ba" ["created_at"]=> int(1698321421) ["updated_at"]=> int(1698321421) } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20679 (5) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20678 (2) { ["it"]=> string(10) "Cioccolato" ["en"]=> string(9) "Chocolate" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20682 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20681 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20680 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "e8e97a89-2231-4bcd-bac2-4b06dfe147e6" ["text"]=> string(10) "Cioccolato" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20684 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20683 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "c67c7378-6dfd-45b6-bc7c-b1f36af4e809" ["text"]=> string(9) "Chocolate" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "c4c9f25d-6a6c-425e-96e9-3631e8d2b3f0" ["created_at"]=> int(1705485513) ["updated_at"]=> int(1705485513) } [2]=> object(stdClass)#20686 (5) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20685 (2) { ["it"]=> string(19) "Amanti della storia" ["en"]=> string(14) "History lovers" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20689 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20688 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20687 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "4e7e2705-53c8-4cee-be8a-2da759a592e7" ["text"]=> string(19) "Amanti della storia" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20691 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20690 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "dc54eb0c-b054-497e-9d54-a0b683fd4fe7" ["text"]=> string(14) "History lovers" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "d23da6f7-e19f-45a4-a929-85385ce6b340" ["created_at"]=> int(1705485452) ["updated_at"]=> int(1705485452) } [3]=> object(stdClass)#20693 (5) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20692 (2) { ["it"]=> string(15) "Citta d’arte " ["en"]=> string(8) "Art City" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20696 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20695 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20694 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "1ff4e8ff-d395-4afa-9eaa-bf626ceb9168" ["text"]=> string(15) "Citta d’arte " } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20698 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20697 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "e67836e0-e549-4b6a-abe8-07f517008a97" ["text"]=> string(8) "Art City" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "d7f9edab-e9d8-483f-96dd-93a4348ecc21" ["created_at"]=> int(1705485480) ["updated_at"]=> int(1705485480) } [4]=> object(stdClass)#20709 (5) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20699 (2) { ["it"]=> string(9) "Capoluogo" ["en"]=> string(12) "Capital city" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20708 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20711 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20710 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "822149c6-772b-4019-b0df-349125da8ebf" ["text"]=> string(9) "Capoluogo" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20712 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20713 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "c2054ebc-b28c-4469-b2f7-9fa7c52ae652" ["text"]=> string(12) "Capital city" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "ea0725c1-04b1-4a3e-870c-94e0687cc7b3" ["created_at"]=> int(1705485494) ["updated_at"]=> int(1705485494) } } }
The Timeless Beauty of Turin city center
The Timeless Beauty of Turin city center
The Timeless Beauty of Turin city center

The Timeless Beauty of Turin city center

The Timeless Beauty of Turin city center
The Timeless Beauty of Turin city center
The Timeless Beauty of Turin city center Gallery

The itinerary that tells the beauties of Turin's city center was our first audio. This is where it all began, improved, and grew. Your suggestions and support have allowed us to continue our journey. So, thank you! We are really grateful.

This itinerary will lead you to discover the elegant streets and squares of the historic center of Turin. It will offer you an overview of the treasures of the fascinating piedmontese capital. You will start from Piazza Castello to immerse yourselves in the city's past. You will continue in Via Roma and Piazza San Carlo, the most elegant square where you can find the iconic historic cafes. Then, you will proceed towards the block of the Princes Savoia Carignano, which includes Piazza Carignano and Piazza Carlo Alberto. The last stop of the journey will make you walk under the arcades along Via Po to end under the Mole Antonelliana, the symbol par excellence of Turin.

Find out more.


You will be able to listen to the audioitinerary for 3 months from purchase. Find out more.

4,00 out of 5 reviews

2 languages available

50 47 min

9 stops

Walking tour (2.5 km)

Listen to an excerpt 

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This itinerary will lead you to discover the elegant streets and squares of the historic center of Turin. It will offer you an overview of the treasures of this fascinating city.

The itinerary that tells the beauties of Turin's city center was our first audio. This is where it all began, improved, and grew. Your suggestions and support have allowed us to continue our journey. So, thank you! We are really grateful.

This itinerary will lead you to discover the elegant streets and squares of the historic center of Turin. It will offer you an overview of the treasures of the fascinating piedmontese capital. You will start from Piazza Castello to immerse yourselves in the city's past. You will continue in Via Roma and Piazza San Carlo, the most elegant square where you can find the iconic historic cafes. Then, you will proceed towards the block of the Princes Savoia Carignano, which includes Piazza Carignano and Piazza Carlo Alberto. The last stop of the journey will make you walk under the arcades along Via Po to end under the Mole Antonelliana, the symbol par excellence of Turin.

Find out more.

The stops

Stop 1Piazza Castello
Stop 2Via Roma
Stop 3San Federico Gallery
Stop 4Piazza San Carlo
Stop 5Piazza Carignano
Stop 6Piazza Carlo Alberto
Stop 7Subalpina Gallery
Stop 8Via Po
Stop 9Mole Antonelliana

Tourist guide

Ardena Caramello Ardena Caramello

I am Ardena, I have the name of a medieval princess, but over time, I have lost all my titles. My destiny, however, is to tell of castles and wonders.

Find out more

4,00 out of 5 reviews

Filippo T.


Bellissimo itinerario e anche gratuito. È ricco di tante informazioni interessanti



Highly recommended



Se cercate suggerimenti, storie e aneddoti è il tour che fa per voi.



We hope to have the chance to listen to other itineraries of the city. This one in the center was just perfect.



Un nuovo modo di scoprire le città. Comodo ed interessante.

Any doubts?

The audioitineraries are available in digital format and can be streamed on your devices. Simply select the desired audioitinerary, start the audio, and follow the instructions as you move around the city.

You can listen to a single audioitinerary for three months from the date of purchase, while you can listen to packages for six months from the date of purchase. You can check the expiration date within the “My audioitineraries” section.

Yes, you can listen to the audioitineraries at any time you wish, as long as you have a compatible device and an internet connection to stream them.

Viaggi Originali Italiani SRL, established in Asti on 4/8/2022 by Irene Deambrogio, Ottavia De Sio and Valentina Piovano with the nature of an Innovative Start Up. The company is committed to the development, production and marketing of innovative products and services with high technological value, more specifically: design, creation and development of digital platforms and mobile applications for multimedia systems, recorded audio tours or other web tools for the creation of multimedia itinerary guides with high technological value that allow the user to have an assistant available as a real guide who with his own skills and voice will be able to guide him in the discovery of the cities and the different itineraries as if they were walking alongside him, in able to instantly suggest historical, artistic, monumental, landscape and natural attractions.