The Riviera of Olive Trees: the enchanting Venetian shore of Lake Garda

object(stdClass)#20777 (34) {
  object(stdClass)#20758 (2) {
    object(stdClass)#20502 (3) {
      string(2161) "

L’itinerario vi condurrà alla scoperta della cosiddetta Riviera degli Ulivi, la sponda veneta del Lago di Garda.

Potrete raggiungere le località alternando i vostri mezzi di trasporto: la bicicletta, la macchina, il traghetto o le camminate lungo il lago. Viaggerete insieme alla voce guida di Francesca per iniziare da Peschiera del Garda, borgo lacustre Patrimonio Unesco dal 2017, racchiuso da un’imponente cinta muraria pentagonale. Bagnata anche dal fiume Mincio è collegata alla città di Mantova grazie ad una pista ciclabile immersa nel verde. Proseguirete poi verso Lazise, piccolo borgo fortificato dove potrete esplorare le sue strette vie e godere dell’atmosfera del suo porticciolo. Vi sposterete quindi nell’imperdibile località di Bardolino, insieme a Francesca camminerete con lo sguardo verso l’alto per ammirare i suoi angoli fioriti e colorati ma anche con lo sguardo verso il basso per scorgere i tesori che si nascondono nella pavimentazione del suo centro storico. La piazza sul lungolago vi offrirà l’opportunità di sorseggiare un buon bicchiere di vino locale o uno spritz godendo di una vista mozzafiato. L’ultima tappa dell’itinerario sarà Torri del Benaco, famosa per il suo Castello Scaligero e il suggestivo porticciolo. Infine, non mancheranno suggerimenti culinari e racconti che riguardano le altre bellezze della sponda veneta come Garda, l’isola Trimelone, Punta San Vigilio, Malcesine, le spiagge e i piccoli porti.

" ["short_description"]=> string(316) "

L’itinerario vi condurrà alla scoperta della cosiddetta Riviera degli Ulivi, la sponda veneta del Lago di Garda. Potrete raggiungere le 4 località alternando i vostri mezzi di trasporto: la bicicletta, la macchina, il traghetto o le camminate lungo il lago. 

" ["title"]=> string(69) "La Riviera degli Ulivi: l'incantevole sponda veneta del Lago di Garda" } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20755 (3) { ["description"]=> string(2027) "

The itinerary will lead you to discover the so-called "Riviera of Olive Trees", the venetian shore of Lake Garda.

You will be able to reach the destinations by choosing between different means of transport: bicycle, car, ferry, or walking along the lake. Your starting point will be Peschiera del Garda, a lakeside town that has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2017, enclosed by an impressive pentagonal wall. Bathed by the Mincio River, it is also connected to the city of Mantua by a cycle path immersed in greenery. You will then continue to Lazise, a fortified village. After exploring its narrow streets and enjoying the atmosphere of its small harbor, you will move to the must-see place of Bardolino. There, you will walk looking up to admire its flowered and colorful corners, and also looking down to discover the treasures hidden in the pavement of its center. The lakeside square will offer you the opportunity to sip a good glass of local wine or a spritz while enjoying a breathtaking view. The last stop on the itinerary will take you to Torri del Benaco, a small village famous for its Scaligero Castle and the picturesque harbor. Eventually, you will be told culinary suggestions and stories about the other beauties of the venetian shore such as the villages of Garda and Malcesine,Trimelone Island, and Punta San Vigilio.

" ["short_description"]=> string(301) "

The itinerary will lead you to discover the so-called Riviera of Olive Trees, the venetian shore of Lake Garda. You will be able to reach the destinations by choosing between different means of transport: bicycle, car, ferry, or walking along the lake.

" ["title"]=> string(71) "The Riviera of Olive Trees: the enchanting Venetian shore of Lake Garda" } } ["image_urls"]=> array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20754 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWswWVRGak5UWmtNaTFtTURCbUxUUmtNRGN0WVdGak1pMHhNR0k1WVRCbE5qYzBNaklHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--c27f9cbf00f70e42a2ad29bee5dea189046765db" ["url"]=> string(287) "" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20753 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWswWlRZNE9HWXpPUzA1TUdZMUxUUmpPVFF0T1dVME1pMDBaREV4Tkdaa056UTJZVFFHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--cb91197d797cddba143f72d15e7299701d352ff2" ["url"]=> string(287) "" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#20752 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWxqTURVMk1tUTJNUzAyTldJM0xUUTVZemN0T0RFMll5MW1OekprWWpVeE4yTTRZVElHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--7e3567427fede3d1b9827bcb0c0b095de8e7319c" ["url"]=> string(287) "" } } ["main_image_url"]=> object(stdClass)#20751 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWswWVRGak5UWmtNaTFtTURCbUxUUmtNRGN0WVdGak1pMHhNR0k1WVRCbE5qYzBNaklHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--c27f9cbf00f70e42a2ad29bee5dea189046765db" ["url"]=> string(287) "" } ["map_image_url"]=> object(stdClass)#20750 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWxoWW1VMU9HTTJPQzFpWmpjMkxUUTBObUV0WVRkaE5pMHhOell3WVdWbE1UaGlNalVHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--0ec8e7ff688859723bae37d14653cf3843a47e63" ["url"]=> string(301) "" } ["rating"]=> float(0) ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20745 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20748 (3) { ["description"]=> object(stdClass)#20749 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "dec5cfdc-a7e4-4c52-92df-1ef5b1dfeacd" ["text"]=> string(2161) "

L’itinerario vi condurrà alla scoperta della cosiddetta Riviera degli Ulivi, la sponda veneta del Lago di Garda.

Potrete raggiungere le località alternando i vostri mezzi di trasporto: la bicicletta, la macchina, il traghetto o le camminate lungo il lago. Viaggerete insieme alla voce guida di Francesca per iniziare da Peschiera del Garda, borgo lacustre Patrimonio Unesco dal 2017, racchiuso da un’imponente cinta muraria pentagonale. Bagnata anche dal fiume Mincio è collegata alla città di Mantova grazie ad una pista ciclabile immersa nel verde. Proseguirete poi verso Lazise, piccolo borgo fortificato dove potrete esplorare le sue strette vie e godere dell’atmosfera del suo porticciolo. Vi sposterete quindi nell’imperdibile località di Bardolino, insieme a Francesca camminerete con lo sguardo verso l’alto per ammirare i suoi angoli fioriti e colorati ma anche con lo sguardo verso il basso per scorgere i tesori che si nascondono nella pavimentazione del suo centro storico. La piazza sul lungolago vi offrirà l’opportunità di sorseggiare un buon bicchiere di vino locale o uno spritz godendo di una vista mozzafiato. L’ultima tappa dell’itinerario sarà Torri del Benaco, famosa per il suo Castello Scaligero e il suggestivo porticciolo. Infine, non mancheranno suggerimenti culinari e racconti che riguardano le altre bellezze della sponda veneta come Garda, l’isola Trimelone, Punta San Vigilio, Malcesine, le spiagge e i piccoli porti.

" } ["short_description"]=> object(stdClass)#20747 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "366e399b-6a50-4d8a-bf41-5001cc336aa0" ["text"]=> string(316) "

L’itinerario vi condurrà alla scoperta della cosiddetta Riviera degli Ulivi, la sponda veneta del Lago di Garda. Potrete raggiungere le 4 località alternando i vostri mezzi di trasporto: la bicicletta, la macchina, il traghetto o le camminate lungo il lago. 

" } ["title"]=> object(stdClass)#20746 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "a96df54f-25ce-4b62-b1d2-f8ab87f41b6f" ["text"]=> string(69) "La Riviera degli Ulivi: l'incantevole sponda veneta del Lago di Garda" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20743 (3) { ["description"]=> object(stdClass)#20744 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "e3418609-85e8-4297-acd5-3c62d86ddae0" ["text"]=> string(2027) "

The itinerary will lead you to discover the so-called "Riviera of Olive Trees", the venetian shore of Lake Garda.

You will be able to reach the destinations by choosing between different means of transport: bicycle, car, ferry, or walking along the lake. Your starting point will be Peschiera del Garda, a lakeside town that has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2017, enclosed by an impressive pentagonal wall. Bathed by the Mincio River, it is also connected to the city of Mantua by a cycle path immersed in greenery. You will then continue to Lazise, a fortified village. After exploring its narrow streets and enjoying the atmosphere of its small harbor, you will move to the must-see place of Bardolino. There, you will walk looking up to admire its flowered and colorful corners, and also looking down to discover the treasures hidden in the pavement of its center. The lakeside square will offer you the opportunity to sip a good glass of local wine or a spritz while enjoying a breathtaking view. The last stop on the itinerary will take you to Torri del Benaco, a small village famous for its Scaligero Castle and the picturesque harbor. Eventually, you will be told culinary suggestions and stories about the other beauties of the venetian shore such as the villages of Garda and Malcesine,Trimelone Island, and Punta San Vigilio.

" } ["short_description"]=> object(stdClass)#20742 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "f4abcb11-94f7-4b98-a317-26b8b9360e14" ["text"]=> string(301) "

The itinerary will lead you to discover the so-called Riviera of Olive Trees, the venetian shore of Lake Garda. You will be able to reach the destinations by choosing between different means of transport: bicycle, car, ferry, or walking along the lake.

" } ["title"]=> object(stdClass)#20741 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "0d4d88cc-a3b1-43cc-985e-36d9eb9d56e0" ["text"]=> string(71) "The Riviera of Olive Trees: the enchanting Venetian shore of Lake Garda" } } } ["audio_files"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20740 (5) { ["url"]=> string(304) "" ["id"]=> string(36) "4e425a15-160e-4b7b-8aef-ac450c3e60ea" ["created_at"]=> int(1724941750) ["updated_at"]=> int(1724941750) ["language"]=> object(stdClass)#20739 (3) { ["id"]=> string(36) "d0d558a4-c2de-4e9f-b49e-c90d00dfc11f" ["code"]=> string(2) "it" ["language"]=> string(8) "Italiano" } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20738 (5) { ["url"]=> string(304) "" ["id"]=> string(36) "8e4ff56e-36da-4738-852f-f91df1c87143" ["created_at"]=> int(1725289245) ["updated_at"]=> int(1725289245) ["language"]=> object(stdClass)#20737 (3) { ["id"]=> string(36) "c243181f-102a-401c-ac5d-42a502a2115d" ["code"]=> string(2) "en" ["language"]=> string(7) "English" } } } ["audio_preview_files"]=> array(2) { [0]=> 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object(stdClass)#20731 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWt3TVRjd05EVTVNaTFqWlRNMExUUTBNMkl0T0RJNFlTMWpZakJqTmpSa056bGtOemNHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--dfc129a8472e924c8fa5655aa703a319b57bb8a8" ["url"]=> string(279) "" } ["price"]=> int(650) ["discounted_price"]=> NULL ["id"]=> string(36) "2042eb97-7f0a-4ea8-b374-9db9725a8c94" ["created_at"]=> int(1732637095) ["updated_at"]=> int(1732637095) ["linked_type"]=> string(10) "AudioGuide" ["linked_id"]=> string(36) "b12fa7a5-b1d9-40aa-bb39-fb03143d0d31" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20730 (10) { ["it_title"]=> string(80) "Mantova: un affascinante racconto tra storia, architettura e famiglie nobiliari " ["en_title"]=> string(51) "Mantua: a unique historical tale of noble families " ["main_image_url"]=> object(stdClass)#20729 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) 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Partenio","text_en":"Lazise: Piazza Partenio","time":990,"time_en":746}" [7]=> string(110) "{"text":"Bardolino: Chiesa di San Severo","text_en":"Bardolino: San Severo Church","time":1196,"time_en":905}" [8]=> string(128) "{"text":"Bardolino: Via Borgo Giuseppe Garibaldi","text_en":"Bardolino: Via Borgo Giuseppe Garibaldi","time":1246,"time_en":953}" [9]=> string(103) "{"text":"Bardolino: Piazza Lenotti ","text_en":"Bardolino: Piazza Lenotti ","time":1360,"time_en":1040}" [10]=> string(135) "{"text":"Bardolino: Porta Verona/Via Giuseppe Verdi","text_en":"Bardolino: Porta Verona/Via Giuseppe Verdi","time":1395,"time_en":1081}" [11]=> string(105) "{"text":"Bardolino: Borgo Bardolino ","text_en":"Bardolino: Borgo Bardolino ","time":1471,"time_en":1142}" [12]=> string(107) "{"text":"Bardolino: Via San Martino ","text_en":"Bardolino: Via San Martino ","time":1572,"time_en":1215}" [13]=> string(119) "{"text":"Bardolino: Piazza Principe Amedeo ","text_en":"Bardolino: Piazza Principe Amedeo ","time":1595,"time_en":1238}" [14]=> string(134) "{"text":"Bardolino: Lungolago Francesco Lenotti ","text_en":"Bardolino: Lake promenade Francesco Lenotti ","time":1680,"time_en":1297}" [15]=> string(130) "{"text":"Torri del Benaco: Castello Scaligero","text_en":"Torri del Benaco: Scaligero Castle Entrance","time":2010,"time_en":1550}" [16]=> string(121) "{"text":"Torri del Benaco: Piazza Calderini ","text_en":"Torri del Benaco: Piazza Calderini ","time":2173,"time_en":1670}" [17]=> string(122) "{"text":"Torre del Benaco: Torre di Berengario","text_en":"Torre del Benaco: Berengario Tower","time":2301,"time_en":1774}" } ["tag_ids"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(36) "22c82d79-c698-4637-834e-cb440a1bcfdd" [1]=> string(36) "5eca444f-b459-4805-9b35-2df7ee220067" [2]=> string(36) "87bbc210-7ece-4974-9041-56185c6b81ab" [3]=> string(36) "88374d62-3c6f-4118-9bbb-1982690f1059" [4]=> string(36) "b5a4d9a7-b3de-4534-8826-8877e6431042" } ["validity_weeks"]=> int(3) ["woocommerce_en_id"]=> int(2490) 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["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20549 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "12bab291-c085-47a6-bf91-dc0d3abc6800" ["text"]=> string(6) "Natura" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20433 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20528 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "1dcd2730-3ef4-42a3-a07d-0c17f78b0979" ["text"]=> string(6) "Nature" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "585d4881-7aff-4bc5-b806-ce26eda2eb65" ["created_at"]=> int(1710349830) ["updated_at"]=> int(1710349830) ["group"]=> string(13) "occasione_uso" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#20415 (6) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20432 (2) { ["it"]=> string(11) "In macchina" ["en"]=> string(6) "By car" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20636 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20447 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20440 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "7dbc8186-b0b0-4434-8ed8-965fbdb3abd4" ["text"]=> string(11) "In macchina" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20638 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20637 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "b570706e-38c9-4dd5-93d3-cd4c65bfabb3" ["text"]=> string(6) "By car" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "763f9c44-426e-4352-8eec-8f329b20382d" ["created_at"]=> int(1706882535) ["updated_at"]=> int(1706882535) ["group"]=> string(12) "tipo_viaggio" } [3]=> object(stdClass)#20640 (6) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20639 (2) { ["it"]=> string(17) "Patrimonio UNESCO" ["en"]=> string(16) "UNESCO Heritage " } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20643 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20642 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20641 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "b5c0a971-44ac-488f-a630-fd1a20c39ef0" ["text"]=> string(17) "Patrimonio UNESCO" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20645 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20644 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "227676bc-c35d-4971-8746-e714435c70ae" ["text"]=> string(16) "UNESCO Heritage " } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "87e8be09-fdde-46cb-b550-abde5b4f15a4" ["created_at"]=> int(1710350164) ["updated_at"]=> int(1710350164) ["group"]=> string(13) "occasione_uso" } [4]=> object(stdClass)#20647 (6) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20646 (2) { ["it"]=> string(6) "Veneto" ["en"]=> string(6) "Veneto" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20650 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20649 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20648 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "c5d20a1d-bb03-4b37-95db-593eb8915441" ["text"]=> string(6) "Veneto" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20652 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20651 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "7150f727-1832-4daf-a70a-ddb987cb9093" ["text"]=> string(6) "Veneto" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "c3bf597b-4a53-43a4-9a3b-47866466075e" ["created_at"]=> int(1698831485) ["updated_at"]=> int(1698831485) ["group"]=> string(7) "regione" } } ["guide"]=> object(stdClass)#20653 (10) { ["full_name"]=> string(18) "Francesca Cargnoni" ["image_url"]=> object(stdClass)#20654 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWsxTmpVMk9HVTNZaTA1WmpSaUxUUXdNamN0T0RVeU1TMWtNakV4TW1NeU4yVTNZalVHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--507c017ad513f2c75b374d5b2918581a8b8cd2fe" ["url"]=> string(336) "" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20658 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20656 (2) { ["description"]=> object(stdClass)#20655 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "9e0cc6b2-985d-49b6-8115-39c3b6049ee9" ["text"]=> string(696) "

Piacere di conoscervi! Mi chiamo Francesca, sono nata a Mantova e da una decina d'anni vivo sulla sponda veronese del Lago di Garda.

Ogni giorno, durante il mio lavoro di guida turistica, continuo a stupirmi delle incantevoli piazze salotto di Verona, degli edifici rinascimentali di Mantova e dei panorami del Lago di Garda.

L’entusiasmo con cui rivolgo lo sguardo a palazzi, monumenti e scenari naturali, è lo stesso con cui accolgo e accompagno i miei ospiti alla scoperta della storia, dell’arte e delle tradizioni locali.

La tua guida turistica alla scoperta del Nord Italia (

" } ["short_description"]=> object(stdClass)#20657 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "f4f48333-5e39-46f7-8222-35ce046aae76" ["text"]=> string(212) "

L’entusiasmo con cui rivolgo lo sguardo a palazzi, monumenti e scenari naturali, è lo stesso con cui accolgo e accompagno i miei ospiti alla scoperta della storia, dell’arte e delle tradizioni locali.

" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20660 (2) { ["description"]=> object(stdClass)#20659 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "19e733d9-673b-41d8-8cdc-21a598ab4fda" ["text"]=> string(685) "

Pleased to meet you! My name is Francesca, I was born in Mantua, and for about ten years I have been living on the Veronese shore of the Garda lake.

Every day, during my work as a tour guide, I am amazed by the charming squares of Verona, the renaissance buildings in Mantua, and the Lake Garda views.

The enthusiasm with which I look at palaces, monuments, and natural landscapes is the same enthusiasm with which I welcome and accompany my guests on a journey to discover local history, art, and traditions.

La tua guida turistica alla scoperta del Nord Italia (

" } ["short_description"]=> object(stdClass)#20661 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "1cc82129-0ba8-40cf-b431-66c2f9a75387" ["text"]=> string(214) "

The enthusiasm with which I look at palaces, monuments, and natural landscapes is the same enthusiasm with which I welcome and accompany my guests on a journey to discover local history, art, and traditions.

" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "feb7e705-3ce0-467d-9efe-655a5e36e4e2" ["created_at"]=> int(1718789131) ["updated_at"]=> int(1718789466) ["first_name"]=> string(9) "Francesca" ["known_languages"]=> string(1) "2" ["last_name"]=> string(8) "Cargnoni" ["years"]=> int(10) } ["languages"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20662 (3) { ["id"]=> string(36) "c243181f-102a-401c-ac5d-42a502a2115d" ["code"]=> string(2) "en" ["language"]=> string(7) "English" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20663 (3) { ["id"]=> string(36) "d0d558a4-c2de-4e9f-b49e-c90d00dfc11f" ["code"]=> string(2) "it" ["language"]=> string(8) "Italiano" } } ["tags"]=> array(5) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20665 (5) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20664 (2) { ["it"]=> string(10) "Bicicletta" ["en"]=> string(4) "Bike" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20668 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20667 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20666 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "3e7327ae-7171-48e1-b5d3-4200736b4850" ["text"]=> string(10) "Bicicletta" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20670 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20669 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "2fc2d0a0-b1f6-4c40-af32-e99540c55486" ["text"]=> string(4) "Bike" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "22c82d79-c698-4637-834e-cb440a1bcfdd" ["created_at"]=> int(1719401205) ["updated_at"]=> int(1719401205) } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20672 (5) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20671 (2) { ["it"]=> string(4) "Lago" ["en"]=> string(4) "Lake" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20675 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20674 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20673 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "4bfc894f-5adc-4e09-99f5-ab7a54edb5fc" ["text"]=> string(4) "Lago" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20677 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20676 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "b0f8e3d2-ea16-4f0a-a301-30532b4772da" ["text"]=> string(4) "Lake" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "5eca444f-b459-4805-9b35-2df7ee220067" ["created_at"]=> int(1719401187) ["updated_at"]=> int(1719401187) } [2]=> object(stdClass)#20679 (5) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20678 (2) { ["it"]=> string(6) "Natura" ["en"]=> string(6) "Nature" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20682 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20681 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20680 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "3738d007-387b-43df-a7a8-a385b9558d61" ["text"]=> string(6) "Natura" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20684 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20683 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "279fb401-aebc-44c3-b631-deed2f42d296" ["text"]=> string(6) "Nature" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "87bbc210-7ece-4974-9041-56185c6b81ab" ["created_at"]=> int(1705576447) ["updated_at"]=> int(1705576447) } [3]=> object(stdClass)#20686 (5) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20685 (2) { ["it"]=> string(6) "Veneto" ["en"]=> string(6) "Veneto" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20689 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20688 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20687 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "f233bcc1-a6c6-42ed-aeef-e373da947b29" ["text"]=> string(6) "Veneto" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20691 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20690 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "2e687261-1b61-476b-8a73-7457671cfa2b" ["text"]=> string(6) "Veneto" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "88374d62-3c6f-4118-9bbb-1982690f1059" ["created_at"]=> int(1725282994) ["updated_at"]=> int(1725282994) } [4]=> object(stdClass)#20693 (5) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20692 (2) { ["it"]=> string(8) "Spiaggia" ["en"]=> string(5) "Beach" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20696 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20695 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20694 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "c9720fa0-02f6-425e-849d-657ce06eb91d" ["text"]=> string(8) "Spiaggia" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20698 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20697 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "2d803f4f-8494-496d-bc2a-436239689bc0" ["text"]=> string(5) "Beach" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "b5a4d9a7-b3de-4534-8826-8877e6431042" ["created_at"]=> int(1719401220) ["updated_at"]=> int(1719401220) } } }
The Riviera of Olive Trees: the enchanting Venetian shore of Lake Garda
The Riviera of Olive Trees: the enchanting Venetian shore of Lake Garda
The Riviera of Olive Trees: the enchanting Venetian shore of Lake Garda

The Riviera of Olive Trees: the enchanting Venetian shore of Lake Garda

The Riviera of Olive Trees: the enchanting Venetian shore of Lake Garda
The Riviera of Olive Trees: the enchanting Venetian shore of Lake Garda
The Riviera of Olive Trees: the enchanting Venetian shore of Lake Garda Gallery

The itinerary will lead you to discover the so-called "Riviera of Olive Trees", the venetian shore of Lake Garda.

You will be able to reach the destinations by choosing between different means of transport: bicycle, car, ferry, or walking along the lake. Your starting point will be Peschiera del Garda, a lakeside town that has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2017, enclosed by an impressive pentagonal wall. Bathed by the Mincio River, it is also connected to the city of Mantua by a cycle path immersed in greenery. You will then continue to Lazise, a fortified village. After exploring its narrow streets and enjoying the atmosphere of its small harbor, you will move to the must-see place of Bardolino. There, you will walk looking up to admire its flowered and colorful corners, and also looking down to discover the treasures hidden in the pavement of its center. The lakeside square will offer you the opportunity to sip a good glass of local wine or a spritz while enjoying a breathtaking view. The last stop on the itinerary will take you to Torri del Benaco, a small village famous for its Scaligero Castle and the picturesque harbor. Eventually, you will be told culinary suggestions and stories about the other beauties of the venetian shore such as the villages of Garda and Malcesine,Trimelone Island, and Punta San Vigilio.

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You will be able to listen to the audioitinerary for 3 months from purchase. Find out more.

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2 languages available

42 32 min

18 stops

Means of transport (27 km + 2.5 km on foot)

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The itinerary will lead you to discover the so-called Riviera of Olive Trees, the venetian shore of Lake Garda. You will be able to reach the destinations by choosing between different means of transport: bicycle, car, ferry, or walking along the lake.

The itinerary will lead you to discover the so-called "Riviera of Olive Trees", the venetian shore of Lake Garda.

You will be able to reach the destinations by choosing between different means of transport: bicycle, car, ferry, or walking along the lake. Your starting point will be Peschiera del Garda, a lakeside town that has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2017, enclosed by an impressive pentagonal wall. Bathed by the Mincio River, it is also connected to the city of Mantua by a cycle path immersed in greenery. You will then continue to Lazise, a fortified village. After exploring its narrow streets and enjoying the atmosphere of its small harbor, you will move to the must-see place of Bardolino. There, you will walk looking up to admire its flowered and colorful corners, and also looking down to discover the treasures hidden in the pavement of its center. The lakeside square will offer you the opportunity to sip a good glass of local wine or a spritz while enjoying a breathtaking view. The last stop on the itinerary will take you to Torri del Benaco, a small village famous for its Scaligero Castle and the picturesque harbor. Eventually, you will be told culinary suggestions and stories about the other beauties of the venetian shore such as the villages of Garda and Malcesine,Trimelone Island, and Punta San Vigilio.

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The stops

Stop 1Peschiera del Garda: Porta Brescia
Stop 2Peschiera del Garda: Piazza Ferdinando di Savoia
Stop 3Peschiera del Garda: Voltoni Bridge
Stop 4Peschiera del Garda: Piazza della Serenissima
Stop 5Lazise: Porta San Zeno
Stop 6Lazise: Porta San Marco
Stop 7Lazise: Piazza Partenio
Stop 8Bardolino: San Severo Church
Stop 9Bardolino: Via Borgo Giuseppe Garibaldi
Stop 10Bardolino: Piazza Lenotti
Stop 11Bardolino: Porta Verona/Via Giuseppe Verdi
Stop 12Bardolino: Borgo Bardolino
Stop 13Bardolino: Via San Martino
Stop 14Bardolino: Piazza Principe Amedeo
Stop 15Bardolino: Lake promenade Francesco Lenotti
Stop 16Torri del Benaco: Scaligero Castle Entrance
Stop 17Torri del Benaco: Piazza Calderini
Stop 18Torre del Benaco: Berengario Tower

Tourist guide

Francesca Cargnoni Francesca Cargnoni

The enthusiasm with which I look at palaces, monuments, and natural landscapes is the same enthusiasm with which I welcome and accompany my guests on a journey to discover local history, art, and traditions.

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Any doubts?

The audioitineraries are available in digital format and can be streamed on your devices. Simply select the desired audioitinerary, start the audio, and follow the instructions as you move around the city.

You can listen to a single audioitinerary for three months from the date of purchase, while you can listen to packages for six months from the date of purchase. You can check the expiration date within the “My audioitineraries” section.

Yes, you can listen to the audioitineraries at any time you wish, as long as you have a compatible device and an internet connection to stream them.

Viaggi Originali Italiani SRL, established in Asti on 4/8/2022 by Irene Deambrogio, Ottavia De Sio and Valentina Piovano with the nature of an Innovative Start Up. The company is committed to the development, production and marketing of innovative products and services with high technological value, more specifically: design, creation and development of digital platforms and mobile applications for multimedia systems, recorded audio tours or other web tools for the creation of multimedia itinerary guides with high technological value that allow the user to have an assistant available as a real guide who with his own skills and voice will be able to guide him in the discovery of the cities and the different itineraries as if they were walking alongside him, in able to instantly suggest historical, artistic, monumental, landscape and natural attractions.