Sirmione: the gem of Lake Garda

object(stdClass)#20749 (34) {
  object(stdClass)#20752 (2) {
    object(stdClass)#20762 (3) {
      string(1873) "

Insieme alla voce guida di Francesca, andrete alla scoperta di Sirmione, pittoresca località affacciata sul Lago di Garda. L’itinerario inizierà dal Castello Scaligero, suo simbolo per eccellenza. Raggiungerete Piazza Carducci, famosa per i suoi caffè ritrovo di letterati, cantanti e poeti. Proseguirete verso la Chiesa parrocchiale di Santa Maria Maggiore, per arrivare ad affacciarvi dalla terrazza panoramica di Sirmione, dove, ammirando il meraviglioso scenario lacustre, è tradizione scambiarsi un bacio. Le vie del centro storico vi condurranno alle Terme di Catullo e all’ingresso dell'Hotel Cortine, uno dei più prestigiosi della località, di fronte al quale si erge maestosa la Villa di Maria Callas. L’ultima parte della passeggiata guidata vi condurrà alla suggestiva chiesetta di San Pietro in Mavino e all’imperdibile sito archeologico delle Grotte di Catullo che, come vi racconterà Francesca, grotte non sono!

" ["short_description"]=> string(275) "

Insieme alla voce guida di Francesca, andrete alla scoperta di Sirmione, pittoresca località affacciata sul Lago di Garda. 

" ["title"]=> string(36) "Sirmione: la perla del Lago di Garda" } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20747 (3) { ["description"]=> string(2610) "

You will embark on a journey through Sirmione, a must-visit destination gazing over the majestic Lake Garda. Starting at the Scaligero Castle, the quintessential emblem of the city, your path will unfold to Piazza Carducci, renowned for its cafés that have been the rendezvous spot for famous writers, singers, and poets. You will visit the parish church of Santa Maria Maggiore before arriving at the breathtaking panoramic terrace of Sirmione. There, enjoying the view of the lake, it is traditional to exchange a kiss. Winding through the historic alleys, you will be guided to the Terme di Catullo and the grand entrance of the Hotel Cortine, one of the town's most esteemed, overlooking the magnificent Villa of Maria Callas. The final part of the itinerary will unveil the secrets of the charming San Pietro in Mavino church and of the archaeological site Catullus Caves, which, as the narrator will reveal, are far from being caves!

" ["short_description"]=> string(347) "

You will embark on a journey through Sirmione, a must-visit destination gazing over the majestic Lake Garda.

" ["title"]=> string(31) "Sirmione: the gem of Lake Garda" } } ["image_urls"]=> array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20746 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWt3TVRjd05EVTVNaTFqWlRNMExUUTBNMkl0T0RJNFlTMWpZakJqTmpSa056bGtOemNHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--dfc129a8472e924c8fa5655aa703a319b57bb8a8" ["url"]=> string(279) "" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20745 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWt5T1RBME9ETTNNQzAzTjJWaUxUUmlPREF0WW1GaVlpMHhOelZqT1dReVlUQTNNVFFHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--f431993b82b2a156e15c6c1285a7abfa655c71f3" ["url"]=> string(279) "" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#20744 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWswTjJReU1tUXdOUzB6TkRRekxUUTBZVEV0WVRreE1DMDROVE00TXpOa09ERTJOVElHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--911032dcfc562321a2b98e01448f8a7e6a9d1487" ["url"]=> string(284) "" } } ["main_image_url"]=> object(stdClass)#20743 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWt3TVRjd05EVTVNaTFqWlRNMExUUTBNMkl0T0RJNFlTMWpZakJqTmpSa056bGtOemNHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--dfc129a8472e924c8fa5655aa703a319b57bb8a8" ["url"]=> string(279) "" } ["map_image_url"]=> object(stdClass)#20742 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWxoWkRVNVpqVm1ZeTAyTVRBNUxUUmhZalV0T1Rkall5MDRaVFkzWkRVd016azFOamNHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--705df919935456cf57a06f47d284825cc8e60a85" ["url"]=> string(286) "" } ["rating"]=> float(0) ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20737 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20740 (3) { ["description"]=> object(stdClass)#20741 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "3720670a-1df6-4e31-902c-fa5bc2089d1a" ["text"]=> string(1873) "

Insieme alla voce guida di Francesca, andrete alla scoperta di Sirmione, pittoresca località affacciata sul Lago di Garda. L’itinerario inizierà dal Castello Scaligero, suo simbolo per eccellenza. Raggiungerete Piazza Carducci, famosa per i suoi caffè ritrovo di letterati, cantanti e poeti. Proseguirete verso la Chiesa parrocchiale di Santa Maria Maggiore, per arrivare ad affacciarvi dalla terrazza panoramica di Sirmione, dove, ammirando il meraviglioso scenario lacustre, è tradizione scambiarsi un bacio. Le vie del centro storico vi condurranno alle Terme di Catullo e all’ingresso dell'Hotel Cortine, uno dei più prestigiosi della località, di fronte al quale si erge maestosa la Villa di Maria Callas. L’ultima parte della passeggiata guidata vi condurrà alla suggestiva chiesetta di San Pietro in Mavino e all’imperdibile sito archeologico delle Grotte di Catullo che, come vi racconterà Francesca, grotte non sono!

" } ["short_description"]=> object(stdClass)#20739 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "b1a54ddf-9b0c-419f-aca7-3c9a82cd5b71" ["text"]=> string(275) "

Insieme alla voce guida di Francesca, andrete alla scoperta di Sirmione, pittoresca località affacciata sul Lago di Garda. 

" } ["title"]=> object(stdClass)#20738 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "a141debf-2844-4824-acbe-138d5b4a9135" ["text"]=> string(36) "Sirmione: la perla del Lago di Garda" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20735 (3) { ["description"]=> object(stdClass)#20736 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "57a5c138-820c-4869-b11e-e36405c97b0c" ["text"]=> string(2610) "

You will embark on a journey through Sirmione, a must-visit destination gazing over the majestic Lake Garda. Starting at the Scaligero Castle, the quintessential emblem of the city, your path will unfold to Piazza Carducci, renowned for its cafés that have been the rendezvous spot for famous writers, singers, and poets. You will visit the parish church of Santa Maria Maggiore before arriving at the breathtaking panoramic terrace of Sirmione. There, enjoying the view of the lake, it is traditional to exchange a kiss. Winding through the historic alleys, you will be guided to the Terme di Catullo and the grand entrance of the Hotel Cortine, one of the town's most esteemed, overlooking the magnificent Villa of Maria Callas. The final part of the itinerary will unveil the secrets of the charming San Pietro in Mavino church and of the archaeological site Catullus Caves, which, as the narrator will reveal, are far from being caves!

" } ["short_description"]=> object(stdClass)#20734 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "1eeb9be8-7a69-4830-8aff-b9f8f77167aa" ["text"]=> string(347) "

You will embark on a journey through Sirmione, a must-visit destination gazing over the majestic Lake Garda.

" } ["title"]=> object(stdClass)#20733 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "91633f7e-d0cd-4977-b9d3-5aacab4b4de0" ["text"]=> string(31) "Sirmione: the gem of Lake Garda" } } } ["audio_files"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20732 (5) { ["url"]=> string(302) "" ["id"]=> string(36) "c91baad9-9a45-4bbf-a2af-b6851961071c" ["created_at"]=> int(1725023294) ["updated_at"]=> int(1725023294) ["language"]=> object(stdClass)#20731 (3) { ["id"]=> string(36) "d0d558a4-c2de-4e9f-b49e-c90d00dfc11f" ["code"]=> string(2) "it" ["language"]=> string(8) "Italiano" } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20730 (5) { ["url"]=> string(300) "" ["id"]=> string(36) "430a7dd9-d1c8-43ee-8f1a-a8d3b81cee74" ["created_at"]=> int(1729070702) ["updated_at"]=> int(1729070702) ["language"]=> object(stdClass)#20729 (3) { ["id"]=> string(36) "c243181f-102a-401c-ac5d-42a502a2115d" ["code"]=> string(2) "en" ["language"]=> string(7) "English" } } } ["audio_preview_files"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20728 (5) { ["url"]=> string(305) "" ["id"]=> string(36) "428b0fcb-5c3b-4235-9584-4e9212b697a2" ["created_at"]=> int(1725023294) ["updated_at"]=> int(1725023294) ["language"]=> object(stdClass)#20727 (3) { ["id"]=> string(36) "d0d558a4-c2de-4e9f-b49e-c90d00dfc11f" ["code"]=> string(2) "it" ["language"]=> string(8) "Italiano" } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20726 (5) { ["url"]=> string(311) "" ["id"]=> string(36) "fd170e0b-4f69-4767-bf00-444a0e788d98" ["created_at"]=> int(1732358098) ["updated_at"]=> int(1732358098) ["language"]=> object(stdClass)#20725 (3) { ["id"]=> string(36) "c243181f-102a-401c-ac5d-42a502a2115d" ["code"]=> string(2) "en" ["language"]=> string(7) "English" } } } ["audio_guides_local_stories"]=> array(0) { } ["last_reviews"]=> array(0) { } ["links"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20724 (10) { ["it_title"]=> string(69) "La Riviera degli Ulivi: l'incantevole sponda veneta del Lago di Garda" ["en_title"]=> string(71) "The Riviera of Olive Trees: the enchanting Venetian shore of Lake Garda" ["main_image_url"]=> object(stdClass)#20723 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWswWVRGak5UWmtNaTFtTURCbUxUUmtNRGN0WVdGak1pMHhNR0k1WVRCbE5qYzBNaklHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--c27f9cbf00f70e42a2ad29bee5dea189046765db" ["url"]=> string(287) "" } ["price"]=> int(850) ["discounted_price"]=> NULL ["id"]=> string(36) "592e421d-d8c0-415a-9d85-5c32cb998ded" ["created_at"]=> int(1732636979) ["updated_at"]=> int(1732636979) ["linked_type"]=> string(10) "AudioGuide" ["linked_id"]=> string(36) "e3876b16-b7ce-4d2c-a14b-a5084fee696f" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20722 (10) { ["it_title"]=> string(80) "Mantova: un affascinante racconto tra storia, architettura e famiglie nobiliari " ["en_title"]=> string(51) "Mantua: a unique historical tale of noble families " ["main_image_url"]=> object(stdClass)#20721 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWswTldKbU4yTmhPUzFpTURZMExUUmlOekF0WW1Vd1pTMHpORFV3TjJVME5HVm1OR0lHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--eb554cdb4ca03829313c890fb1d3056210230621" ["url"]=> string(309) "" } ["price"]=> int(750) ["discounted_price"]=> NULL ["id"]=> string(36) "c1203c62-9ecd-4cd5-94bb-7b4eac520df7" ["created_at"]=> int(1732636979) ["updated_at"]=> int(1732636979) ["linked_type"]=> string(10) "AudioGuide" ["linked_id"]=> string(36) "0a5d7278-b530-4731-92c4-afd9793d9c38" } } ["id"]=> string(36) "b12fa7a5-b1d9-40aa-bb39-fb03143d0d31" ["created_at"]=> int(1721210358) ["updated_at"]=> int(1729090997) ["category_ids"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(36) "18369547-2fc3-4ae5-90f9-ad1ca7fa9ac2" [1]=> string(36) "796877f9-f70d-4385-8c16-c79adfc28304" [2]=> string(36) "552e60f6-1f93-43c4-92e1-8f773f0745e8" } ["discounted_price"]=> NULL ["duration"]=> int(29) ["duration_en"]=> int(21) ["location"]=> string(8) "Sirmione" ["km"]=> string(12) "2 km a piedi" ["km_en"]=> string(12) "2 km on foot" ["map_url"]=> string(87) "" ["price"]=> int(650) ["spotify_playlist_iframe"]=> string(0) "" ["status"]=> string(6) "online" ["stops"]=> array(9) { [0]=> string(78) "{"text":"Castello Scaligero","text_en":"Scaliger Castle","time":0,"time_en":0}" [1]=> string(79) "{"text":"Piazza Carducci","text_en":"Piazza Carducci","time":309,"time_en":230}" [2]=> string(103) "{"text":"Chiesa Santa Maria Maggiore","text_en":"Santa Maria Maggiore church","time":463,"time_en":336}" [3]=> string(100) "{"text":"Terrazza “kiss please”","text_en":"Terrace “kiss please”","time":618,"time_en":472}" [4]=> string(81) "{"text":"Terme di Catullo","text_en":"Terme di Catullo","time":834,"time_en":615}" [5]=> string(75) "{"text":"Hotel Cortine","text_en":"Hotel Cortine","time":998,"time_en":727}" [6]=> string(90) "{"text":"Villa di Maria Callas","text_en":"Villa Maria Callas ","time":1035,"time_en":754}" [7]=> string(105) "{"text":"Chiesa San Pietro in Mavino","text_en":" San Pietro in Mavino church","time":1209,"time_en":884}" [8]=> string(81) "{"text":"Grotte di Catullo","text_en":"Catullus Caves","time":1315,"time_en":951}" } ["tag_ids"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(36) "5eca444f-b459-4805-9b35-2df7ee220067" [1]=> string(36) "b5a4d9a7-b3de-4534-8826-8877e6431042" [2]=> string(36) "d23da6f7-e19f-45a4-a929-85385ce6b340" [3]=> string(36) "d98302a9-53f9-4487-bdb0-2f99bd820652" } ["validity_weeks"]=> int(3) ["woocommerce_en_id"]=> int(2528) ["woocommerce_it_id"]=> int(2525) ["categories"]=> array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20719 (6) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20720 (2) { ["it"]=> string(5) "Laghi" ["en"]=> string(5) "Lakes" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20716 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20717 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20718 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "2eb71c11-b870-436b-97ff-7aa5950113f6" ["text"]=> string(5) "Laghi" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20714 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20715 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "505730f3-9fdb-4b12-ba9b-9b6bf01aeb5f" ["text"]=> string(5) "Lakes" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "18369547-2fc3-4ae5-90f9-ad1ca7fa9ac2" ["created_at"]=> int(1710349830) ["updated_at"]=> int(1710349830) ["group"]=> string(13) "occasione_uso" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20712 (6) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20713 (2) { ["it"]=> string(7) "A piedi" ["en"]=> string(7) "On foot" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20542 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20541 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20543 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "ee880e1f-0278-4640-a9c9-941a8171df6b" ["text"]=> string(7) "A piedi" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20427 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20522 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "e8d397e0-29dd-4a32-a424-0f76ad97e885" ["text"]=> string(7) "On foot" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "796877f9-f70d-4385-8c16-c79adfc28304" ["created_at"]=> int(1706882535) ["updated_at"]=> int(1706882535) ["group"]=> string(12) "tipo_viaggio" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#20425 (6) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20426 (2) { ["it"]=> string(9) "Lombardia" ["en"]=> string(9) "Lombardia" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20630 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20441 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20434 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "3e902512-31b7-460e-ac9f-0f91d9b5fa04" ["text"]=> string(9) "Lombardia" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20632 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20631 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "32890ed0-cc9f-45cd-8f75-e9010bbe9987" ["text"]=> string(9) "Lombardia" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "552e60f6-1f93-43c4-92e1-8f773f0745e8" ["created_at"]=> int(1698831421) ["updated_at"]=> int(1698831421) ["group"]=> string(7) "regione" } } ["guide"]=> object(stdClass)#20633 (10) { ["full_name"]=> string(18) "Francesca Cargnoni" ["image_url"]=> object(stdClass)#20634 (2) { ["id"]=> string(198) "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaWsxTmpVMk9HVTNZaTA1WmpSaUxUUXdNamN0T0RVeU1TMWtNakV4TW1NeU4yVTNZalVHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--507c017ad513f2c75b374d5b2918581a8b8cd2fe" ["url"]=> string(336) "" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20638 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20636 (2) { ["description"]=> object(stdClass)#20635 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "9e0cc6b2-985d-49b6-8115-39c3b6049ee9" ["text"]=> string(696) "

Piacere di conoscervi! Mi chiamo Francesca, sono nata a Mantova e da una decina d'anni vivo sulla sponda veronese del Lago di Garda.

Ogni giorno, durante il mio lavoro di guida turistica, continuo a stupirmi delle incantevoli piazze salotto di Verona, degli edifici rinascimentali di Mantova e dei panorami del Lago di Garda.

L’entusiasmo con cui rivolgo lo sguardo a palazzi, monumenti e scenari naturali, è lo stesso con cui accolgo e accompagno i miei ospiti alla scoperta della storia, dell’arte e delle tradizioni locali.

La tua guida turistica alla scoperta del Nord Italia (

" } ["short_description"]=> object(stdClass)#20637 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "f4f48333-5e39-46f7-8222-35ce046aae76" ["text"]=> string(212) "

L’entusiasmo con cui rivolgo lo sguardo a palazzi, monumenti e scenari naturali, è lo stesso con cui accolgo e accompagno i miei ospiti alla scoperta della storia, dell’arte e delle tradizioni locali.

" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20640 (2) { ["description"]=> object(stdClass)#20639 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "19e733d9-673b-41d8-8cdc-21a598ab4fda" ["text"]=> string(685) "

Pleased to meet you! My name is Francesca, I was born in Mantua, and for about ten years I have been living on the Veronese shore of the Garda lake.

Every day, during my work as a tour guide, I am amazed by the charming squares of Verona, the renaissance buildings in Mantua, and the Lake Garda views.

The enthusiasm with which I look at palaces, monuments, and natural landscapes is the same enthusiasm with which I welcome and accompany my guests on a journey to discover local history, art, and traditions.

La tua guida turistica alla scoperta del Nord Italia (

" } ["short_description"]=> object(stdClass)#20641 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "1cc82129-0ba8-40cf-b431-66c2f9a75387" ["text"]=> string(214) "

The enthusiasm with which I look at palaces, monuments, and natural landscapes is the same enthusiasm with which I welcome and accompany my guests on a journey to discover local history, art, and traditions.

" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "feb7e705-3ce0-467d-9efe-655a5e36e4e2" ["created_at"]=> int(1718789131) ["updated_at"]=> int(1718789466) ["first_name"]=> string(9) "Francesca" ["known_languages"]=> string(1) "2" ["last_name"]=> string(8) "Cargnoni" ["years"]=> int(10) } ["languages"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20642 (3) { ["id"]=> string(36) "c243181f-102a-401c-ac5d-42a502a2115d" ["code"]=> string(2) "en" ["language"]=> string(7) "English" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20643 (3) { ["id"]=> string(36) "d0d558a4-c2de-4e9f-b49e-c90d00dfc11f" ["code"]=> string(2) "it" ["language"]=> string(8) "Italiano" } } ["tags"]=> array(4) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#20645 (5) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20644 (2) { ["it"]=> string(4) "Lago" ["en"]=> string(4) "Lake" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20648 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20647 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20646 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "4bfc894f-5adc-4e09-99f5-ab7a54edb5fc" ["text"]=> string(4) "Lago" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20650 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20649 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "b0f8e3d2-ea16-4f0a-a301-30532b4772da" ["text"]=> string(4) "Lake" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "5eca444f-b459-4805-9b35-2df7ee220067" ["created_at"]=> int(1719401187) ["updated_at"]=> int(1719401187) } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20652 (5) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20651 (2) { ["it"]=> string(8) "Spiaggia" ["en"]=> string(5) "Beach" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20655 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20654 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20653 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "c9720fa0-02f6-425e-849d-657ce06eb91d" ["text"]=> string(8) "Spiaggia" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20657 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20656 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "2d803f4f-8494-496d-bc2a-436239689bc0" ["text"]=> string(5) "Beach" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "b5a4d9a7-b3de-4534-8826-8877e6431042" ["created_at"]=> int(1719401220) ["updated_at"]=> int(1719401220) } [2]=> object(stdClass)#20659 (5) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20658 (2) { ["it"]=> string(19) "Amanti della storia" ["en"]=> string(14) "History lovers" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20662 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20661 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20660 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "4e7e2705-53c8-4cee-be8a-2da759a592e7" ["text"]=> string(19) "Amanti della storia" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20664 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20663 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "dc54eb0c-b054-497e-9d54-a0b683fd4fe7" ["text"]=> string(14) "History lovers" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "d23da6f7-e19f-45a4-a929-85385ce6b340" ["created_at"]=> int(1705485452) ["updated_at"]=> int(1705485452) } [3]=> object(stdClass)#20666 (5) { ["flat_translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20665 (2) { ["it"]=> string(9) "Lombardia" ["en"]=> string(9) "Lombardia" } ["translations"]=> object(stdClass)#20669 (2) { ["it"]=> object(stdClass)#20668 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20667 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "42023cfa-ad59-4293-af87-1b35c7a0605a" ["text"]=> string(9) "Lombardia" } } ["en"]=> object(stdClass)#20671 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#20670 (2) { ["id"]=> string(36) "c8264f7d-75f8-42c0-9abf-099ed7d06094" ["text"]=> string(9) "Lombardia" } } } ["id"]=> string(36) "d98302a9-53f9-4487-bdb0-2f99bd820652" ["created_at"]=> int(1725541766) ["updated_at"]=> int(1725541766) } } }
Sirmione: the gem of Lake Garda
Sirmione: the gem of Lake Garda
Sirmione: the gem of Lake Garda

Sirmione: the gem of Lake Garda

Sirmione: the gem of Lake Garda
Sirmione: the gem of Lake Garda
Sirmione: the gem of Lake Garda Gallery

You will embark on a journey through Sirmione, a must-visit destination gazing over the majestic Lake Garda. Starting at the Scaligero Castle, the quintessential emblem of the city, your path will unfold to Piazza Carducci, renowned for its cafés that have been the rendezvous spot for famous writers, singers, and poets. You will visit the parish church of Santa Maria Maggiore before arriving at the breathtaking panoramic terrace of Sirmione. There, enjoying the view of the lake, it is traditional to exchange a kiss. Winding through the historic alleys, you will be guided to the Terme di Catullo and the grand entrance of the Hotel Cortine, one of the town's most esteemed, overlooking the magnificent Villa of Maria Callas. The final part of the itinerary will unveil the secrets of the charming San Pietro in Mavino church and of the archaeological site Catullus Caves, which, as the narrator will reveal, are far from being caves!

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You will be able to listen to the audioitinerary for 3 months from purchase. Find out more.

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2 languages available

29 21 min

9 stops

Walking tour (2 km on foot)

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You will embark on a journey through Sirmione, a must-visit destination gazing over the majestic Lake Garda.

You will embark on a journey through Sirmione, a must-visit destination gazing over the majestic Lake Garda. Starting at the Scaligero Castle, the quintessential emblem of the city, your path will unfold to Piazza Carducci, renowned for its cafés that have been the rendezvous spot for famous writers, singers, and poets. You will visit the parish church of Santa Maria Maggiore before arriving at the breathtaking panoramic terrace of Sirmione. There, enjoying the view of the lake, it is traditional to exchange a kiss. Winding through the historic alleys, you will be guided to the Terme di Catullo and the grand entrance of the Hotel Cortine, one of the town's most esteemed, overlooking the magnificent Villa of Maria Callas. The final part of the itinerary will unveil the secrets of the charming San Pietro in Mavino church and of the archaeological site Catullus Caves, which, as the narrator will reveal, are far from being caves!

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The stops

Stop 1Scaliger Castle
Stop 2Piazza Carducci
Stop 3Santa Maria Maggiore church
Stop 4Terrace “kiss please”
Stop 5Terme di Catullo
Stop 6Hotel Cortine
Stop 7Villa Maria Callas
Stop 8 San Pietro in Mavino church
Stop 9Catullus Caves

Tourist guide

Francesca Cargnoni Francesca Cargnoni

The enthusiasm with which I look at palaces, monuments, and natural landscapes is the same enthusiasm with which I welcome and accompany my guests on a journey to discover local history, art, and traditions.

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Any doubts?

The audioitineraries are available in digital format and can be streamed on your devices. Simply select the desired audioitinerary, start the audio, and follow the instructions as you move around the city.

You can listen to a single audioitinerary for three months from the date of purchase, while you can listen to packages for six months from the date of purchase. You can check the expiration date within the “My audioitineraries” section.

Yes, you can listen to the audioitineraries at any time you wish, as long as you have a compatible device and an internet connection to stream them.

Viaggi Originali Italiani SRL, established in Asti on 4/8/2022 by Irene Deambrogio, Ottavia De Sio and Valentina Piovano with the nature of an Innovative Start Up. The company is committed to the development, production and marketing of innovative products and services with high technological value, more specifically: design, creation and development of digital platforms and mobile applications for multimedia systems, recorded audio tours or other web tools for the creation of multimedia itinerary guides with high technological value that allow the user to have an assistant available as a real guide who with his own skills and voice will be able to guide him in the discovery of the cities and the different itineraries as if they were walking alongside him, in able to instantly suggest historical, artistic, monumental, landscape and natural attractions.